<P>Hello All</P>
<P> </P>
<P>i need to transfer CDR data from linux to MS SQL Serever (on Windows). writing by Perl. I have download and install UnixODBC, DBI, DBD from CPAN, </P>
<P>when i tested isql -DSN -UID - PWD, that's successful, but when run by perl, message alert</P>
<P>could not loaded driver database, ....</P>
<P>anybody used ODBC for linux, connect to MS SQL Sevre, please help me?</P>
<P>easysoft and openlink have trial license, run with iODBC, run on 30 days, could you like help me don't used iODBC, free tools.</P>
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<P>any advice?</P>
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