<DIV>Hello All</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I'm using asterisk 1.1.X and MFCR2 lib version 0.03pre2. when i call to E1 (connected with asterisk), chan_unicall don't detected event incoming call and show error.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>error messages:<BR><BR>*CLI> Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 4 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 2 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 13 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x1 [ 1/ 0/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 1/ 0/ 0]<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Schedule<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 5 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/
0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 11 unblocked</DIV>
<DIV><BR>Asterisk Ready.<BR>*CLI> Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 10 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked<BR> -- R2 Channel 2 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x1 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked and seized<BR>Unschedule 1<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR> -- R2 Channel 8 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x1 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked and seized<BR>Unschedule 1<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR> -- R2 Channel 9 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x1 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked and seized<BR>Unschedule 1<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR> -- R2 Channel 6
unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x1 [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR>Line unblocked and seized<BR>Unschedule 1<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 10000/ 0/ 0]<BR> -- R2 Channel 15 unblocked<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Schedule<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Schedule<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Schedule<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x9 [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Schedule<BR>Rx CAS bits 0x1 [ 1/ 0/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 1/ 0/ 0]<BR>Rx
CAS bits 0x9 [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Tx CAS bits 0xD [ 20000/101/ 0]<BR>Schedule </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>my setting zaptel.conf</DIV>
<DIV># Zaptel Configuration File<BR>span=1,0,0,cas,hdb3,crc4</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>my setting zapata.conf</DIV>
<DIV>; Zapata telephony interface<BR>; Configuration file<BR>[trunkgroups]<BR>trunkgroup => 1,16<BR>spanmap => 1,1,1<BR>[channels]<BR>language=en<BR>context=from-pstn<BR>switchtype=national<BR>nsf=none<BR>pridialplan=national<BR>prilocaldialplan=national<BR>overlapdial=yes<BR>priindication = outofband<BR>signalling=pri_cpe<BR>rxwink=300 ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms)
125,125,125,125,125,-4000<BR>;cadence=1000,500,2500,-5000<BR>;crv => 1:16<BR></DIV>
<DIV>my setting unicall.conf</DIV>
<DIV>; $Id: unicall.conf.sample,v 1.1 2005/05/28 11:17:02 steveu Exp $<BR>[channels]<BR>language=en<BR>context=default<BR>usecallerid=yes<BR>hidecallerid=no<BR>callwaitingcallerid=yes<BR>threewaycalling=yes<BR>transfer=yes<BR>cancallforward=yes<BR>callreturn=yes<BR>echocancel=yes<BR>echocancelwhenbridged=yes<BR>;relaxdtmf=yes<BR>rxgain=0.0<BR>txgain=0.0<BR>group=1<BR>callgroup=1<BR>pickupgroup=1<BR>immediate=no<BR>protocolclass=mfcr2<BR>protocolvariant=vn,20,7<BR>protocolend=co<BR>group = 1<BR>channel => 1-15<BR>channel => 17-31<BR></DIV>
<DIV>i'm using sangoma card, firmware V.25 and driver beta8-g.2.3.3</DIV>
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<DIV>Please help me</DIV>
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