<DIV>Hi John/forum</DIV>
<DIV>I saw in your config that you are using a Mediatrix box,</DIV>
<DIV>I have problems of delay routing for all my calls to the PSTN,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Im also using a Mediatrix box (1204 ) version</DIV>
<DIV><BR>I was wondering if you are using the same Mediatrix box and if you have the same problem?</DIV>
<DIV>Or maybe you can help me with this issue.</DIV>
<P>My Dialplan for the Mediatrix box is the following, here at Mexico we use 8 digits for local calls.</P>
<P>I have verified that inmediatly after I dial from my IP phone, the in-use light turns on in Mediatrix but the call is not pass until the 4 seconds timer expires.</P>
<P>I have tried disabling the Dial plan but it didnt help</P>
<P>Thanks!</P></DIV><BR><BR><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com