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Someone on the list spotted the problem, there is a typo in my line
Thanks all<br>
Scott Henderson wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid41DECD58.50404@finite-tech.com" type="cite">
<meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
I set this up manually on the phone and it works just fine so config
files ... I attached the complete config files so maybe someone can
see what I am missing.<br>
argon:/tftpboot# cat SIPDefault.cnf<br>
# SIP Default Generic Configuration File <br>
# Image Version<br>
image_version: P0S3-07-3-00 ;<br>
# Proxy Server<br>
proxy1_address: "" ; Can be dotted IP or FQDN<br>
proxy2_address: "" ; Can be dotted IP or FQDN<br>
proxy3_address: "" ; Can be dotted IP or FQDN<br>
proxy4_address: "" ; Can be dotted IP or FQDN<br>
proxy5_address: "" ; Can be dotted IP or FQDN<br>
proxy6_address: "" ; Can be dotted IP or FQDN<br>
# Proxy Server Port (default - 5060)<br>
proxy1_port: 5060 <br>
proxy2_port: 5060 <br>
proxy3_port: 5060 <br>
proxy4_port: 5060 <br>
proxy5_port: 5060 <br>
proxy6_port: 5060 <br>
# Proxy Registration (0-disable (default), 1-enable)<br>
proxy_register: 1 <br>
# Phone Registration Expiration [1-3932100 sec] (Default - 3600)<br>
timer_register_expires: 3600 <br>
# Codec for media stream (g711ulaw (default), g711alaw, g729a)<br>
preferred_codec: none<br>
# TOS bits in media stream [0-5] (Default - 5)<br>
tos_media: 5<br>
# Inband DTMF Settings (0-disable, 1-enable (default))<br>
dtmf_inband: 1<br>
# Out of band DTMF Settings (none-disable, avt-avt enable (default),
avt_always - always avt )<br>
dtmf_outofband: avt<br>
# DTMF dB Level Settings (1-6dB down, 2-3db down, 3-nominal (default),
4-3db up, 5-6dB up)<br>
dtmf_db_level: 3<br>
# SIP Timers<br>
timer_t1: 500 ; Default 500 msec<br>
timer_t2: 4000 ; Default 4 sec<br>
sip_retx: 10 ; Default 10<br>
sip_invite_retx: 6 ; Default 6<br>
timer_invite_expires: 180 ; Default 180 sec<br>
####### New Parameters added in Release 2.0 #######<br>
# Dialplan template (.xml format file relative to the TFTP root
dial_template: dialplan<br>
# TFTP Phone Specific Configuration File Directory<br>
tftp_cfg_dir: "" ; Example: ./sip_phone/<br>
# Time Server (There are multiple values and configurations refer to
Admin Guide for Specifics)<br>
sntp_server: "" ; SNTP Server IP Address<br>
sntp_mode: directedbroadcast ; unicast, multicast, anycast, or
directedbroadcast (default)<br>
time_zone: YST ; Time Zone Phone is in<br>
dst_offset: 1 ; Offset from Phone's time when DST is
in effect <br>
dst_start_month: April ; Month in which DST starts<br>
dst_start_day: "" ; Day of month in which DST starts<br>
dst_start_day_of_week: Sun ; Day of week in which DST starts<br>
dst_start_week_of_month: 1 ; Week of month in which DST starts<br>
dst_start_time: 02 ; Time of day in which DST starts<br>
dst_stop_month: Oct ; Month in which DST stops<br>
dst_stop_day: "" ; Day of month in which DST stops<br>
dst_stop_day_of_week: Sunday ; Day of week in which DST stops<br>
dst_stop_week_of_month: 8 ; Week of month in which DST stops
8=last week of month<br>
dst_stop_time: 2 ; Time of day in which DST stops<br>
dst_auto_adjust: 1 ; Enable(1-Default)/Disable(0) DST
automatic adjustment<br>
time_format_24hr: 0 ; Enable(1 - 24Hr Default)/Disable(0 -
# Do Not Disturb Control (0-off, 1-on, 2-off with no user control, 3-on
with no user control)<br>
dnd_control: 0 ; Default 0 (Do Not Disturb feature is
# Caller ID Blocking (0-disbaled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user
control, 3-enabled no user control)<br>
callerid_blocking: 0 ; Default 0 (Disable sending all calls
as anonymous) <br>
# Anonymous Call Blocking (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user
control, 3-enabled no user control)<br>
anonymous_call_block: 0 ; Default 0 (Disable blocking of
anonymous calls)<br>
# DTMF AVT Payload (Dynamic payload range for AVT tones - 96-127)<br>
dtmf_avt_payload: 101 ; Default 101<br>
# Sync value of the phone used for remote reset <br>
sync: 1 ; Default 1<br>
####### New Parameters added in Release 2.1 #######<br>
# Backup Proxy Support<br>
proxy_backup: "" ; Dotted IP of Backup Proxy<br>
proxy_backup_port: 5060 ; Backup Proxy port (default is 5060)<br>
# Emergency Proxy Support<br>
proxy_emergency: "" ; Dotted IP of Emergency Proxy<br>
proxy_emergency_port: 5060 ; Emergency Proxy port (default is 5060)<br>
# Configurable VAD option<br>
enable_vad: 0 ; VAD setting 0-disable (Default),
####### New Parameters added in Release 2.2 ######<br>
# NAT/Firewall Traversal<br>
nat_enable: 0 ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled<br>
nat_address: "" ; WAN IP address of NAT box (dotted IP
or DNS A record only)<br>
voip_control_port: 5060 ; UDP port used for SIP messages
(default - 5060)<br>
start_media_port: 16384 ; Start RTP range for media (default -
end_media_port: 32766 ; End RTP range for media (default -
nat_received_processing: 0 ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled<br>
# Outbound Proxy Support<br>
outbound_proxy: "" ; restricted to dotted IP or DNS A
record only<br>
outbound_proxy_port: 5060 ; default is 5060<br>
####### New Parameter added in Release 3.0 #######<br>
# Allow for the bridge on a 3way call to join remaining parties upon
cnf_join_enable : 1 ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)<br>
####### New Parameters added in Release 3.1 #######<br>
# Allow Transfer to be completed while target phone is still ringing<br>
semi_attended_transfer: 1 ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)<br>
# Telnet Level (enable or disable the ability to telnet into the phone)
telnet_level: 1 ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled,
####### New Parameters added in Release 4.0 #######<br>
# XML URLs<br>
services_url: "" ; URL for external Phone Services<br>
directory_url: "" ; URL for external Directory location<br>
logo_url: <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
; URL for
branding logo to be used on phone display<br>
# HTTP Proxy Support<br>
http_proxy_addr: "" ; Address of HTTP Proxy server<br>
http_proxy_port: 80 ; Port of HTTP Proxy Server (80-default)<br>
# Dynamic DNS/TFTP Support<br>
dyn_dns_addr_1: "" ; restricted to dotted IP<br>
dyn_dns_addr_2: "" ; restricted to dotted IP<br>
dyn_tftp_addr: "" ; restricted to dotted IP<br>
# Remote Party ID<br>
remote_party_id: 0 ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled<br>
####### New Parameters added in Release 4.4 #######<br>
# Call Hold Ringback (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user
control, 3-enabled no user control)<br>
call_hold_ringback: 0 ; Default 0 (Disable ringback of held
argon:/tftpboot# cat SIP00115C407FA3.cnf<br>
# SIP Configuration Generic File <br>
# Line 1<br>
line1_name: Scott <br>
line1_authname: "scott"<br>
line1_password: "scott"<br>
# Line 2<br>
line2_name: Scott1<br>
line2_authname: "scott1"<br>
line2_password: "scott1"<br>
# Line 3<br>
line2_name: "Line 2" <br>
line2_authname: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
line2_password: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
# Line 4<br>
line2_name: "Line 4" <br>
line2_authname: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
line2_password: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
# Line 5<br>
line2_name: "Line 5" <br>
line2_authname: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
line2_password: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
# Line 6<br>
line2_name: "Line 6" <br>
line2_authname: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
line2_password: "UNPROVISIONED"<br>
####### New Parameters added in Release 2.0 #######<br>
# All user_parameters have been removed<br>
# Phone Label (Text desired to be displayed in upper right corner)<br>
phone_label: "" ; Has no effect on SIP messaging<br>
# Line 1 Display Name (Display name to use for SIP messaging)<br>
line1_displayname: "User ID"<br>
# Line 2 Display Name (Display name to use for SIP messaging)<br>
line2_displayname: "User ID"<br>
####### New Parameters added in Release 3.0 ######<br>
# Phone Prompt (The prompt that will be displayed on console and telnet)<br>
phone_prompt: "SIP Phone" ; Limited to 15 characters (Default -
SIP Phone) <br>
# Phone Password (Password to be used for console or telnet login)<br>
phone_password: "cisco" ; Limited to 31 characters (Default - cisco)<br>
# User classifcation used when Registering [ none(default), phone, ip ]<br>
user_info: none <br>
messages_uri: "_6101"<br>
argon:/tftpboot# <br>
Nabeel Jafferali wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I had not looked at the phones settings yet, thanks for the
suggestion. The setting indicate that there is no configuration on the
second line it is listed as "UNPROVISIONED"
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Go into the phone and program Line 2 Settings directly, without using
the SIP<MAC>.cnf file. If that works, then your .cnf file is wrong.
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Scott Henderson
Finite Technologies Incorporated
3763 Image Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Phone: 907.339.8085 ext 6101, Fax: 907.333.4482
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.finite-tech.com">http://www.finite-tech.com</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.chillywall.com">http://www.chillywall.com</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.virtuale.cc">http://www.virtuale.cc</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.mphage.com">http://www.mphage.com</a>
Current Local Time: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
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<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Scott Henderson
Finite Technologies Incorporated
3763 Image Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Phone: 907.339.8085 ext 6101, Fax: 907.333.4482
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.finite-tech.com">http://www.finite-tech.com</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.chillywall.com">http://www.chillywall.com</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.virtuale.cc">http://www.virtuale.cc</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.mphage.com">http://www.mphage.com</a>
Current Local Time: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.worldtimeserver.com/time.asp?locationid=US-AK">http://www.worldtimeserver.com/time.asp?locationid=US-AK</a>