Index: asterisk/apps/app_queue.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/apps/app_queue.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 app_queue.c
--- asterisk/apps/app_queue.c 19 May 2003 01:07:06 -0000 1.4
+++ asterisk/apps/app_queue.c 26 Jun 2003 16:35:18 -0000
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
@@ -63,6 +65,28 @@
" The optionnal URL will be sent to the called party if the channel supports\n"
+// [PHM 06/26/03]
+static char *app_aqm = "AddQueueMember" ;
+static char *app_aqm_synopsis = "Dynamically adds queue members" ;
+static char *app_aqm_descrip =
+" AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface]):\n"
+"Dynamically adds interface to an existing queue\n"
+"Returns -1 if there is an error.\n"
+"Example: AddQueueMember(techsupport|SIP/3000)\n"
+static char *app_rqm = "RemoveQueueMember" ;
+static char *app_rqm_synopsis = "Dynamically removes queue members" ;
+static char *app_rqm_descrip =
+" RemoveQueueMember(queuename[|interface]):\n"
+"Dynamically removes interface to an existing queue\n"
+"Returns -1 if there is an error.\n"
+"Example: RemoveQueueMember(techsupport|SIP/3000)\n"
/* We define a customer "local user" structure because we
use it not only for keeping track of what is in use but
also for keeping track of who we're dialing. */
@@ -158,7 +182,9 @@
manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "Join",
"Channel: %s\r\nQueue: %s\r\nPosition: %d\r\n",
qe->chan->name, q->name, qe->pos );
+#if 1
+ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Queue '%s' Join, Channel '%s', Position '%d'\n", q->name, qe->chan->name, qe->pos );
@@ -211,15 +237,20 @@
if (!q)
- /* Take us out of the queue */
- manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "Leave",
- "Channel: %s\r\nQueue: %s\r\n",
- qe->chan->name, q->name );
prev = NULL;
cur = q->head;
while(cur) {
if (cur == qe) {
+ /* Take us out of the queue */
+ manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "Leave",
+ "Channel: %s\r\nQueue: %s\r\n",
+ qe->chan->name, q->name );
+#if 1
+ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Queue '%s' Leave, Channel '%s'\n", q->name, qe->chan->name );
/* Take us out of the queue */
if (prev)
prev->next = cur->next;
@@ -636,6 +667,217 @@
return 0;
+// [PHM 06/26/03]
+static struct member * interface_exists( struct ast_call_queue * q, char * interface )
+ struct member * ret = NULL ;
+ struct member *mem;
+ char buf[500] ;
+ if( q != NULL )
+ {
+ mem = q->members ;
+ while( mem != NULL ) {
+ sprintf( buf, "%s/%s", mem->tech, mem->loc);
+ if( strcmp( buf, interface ) == 0 ) {
+ ret = mem ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ else
+ mem = mem->next ;
+ }
+ }
+ return( ret ) ;
+static struct member * create_queue_node( char * interface )
+ struct member * cur ;
+ char * tmp ;
+ /* Add a new member */
+ cur = malloc(sizeof(struct member));
+ if (cur) {
+ memset(cur, 0, sizeof(struct member));
+ strncpy(cur->tech, interface, sizeof(cur->tech) - 1);
+ if ((tmp = strchr(cur->tech, '/')))
+ *tmp = '\0';
+ if ((tmp = strchr(interface, '/'))) {
+ tmp++;
+ strncpy(cur->loc, tmp, sizeof(cur->loc) - 1);
+ } else
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No location at interface '%s'\n", interface);
+ }
+ return( cur ) ;
+static int rqm_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data)
+ int res=-1;
+ struct localuser *u;
+ char *queuename;
+ struct member * node ;
+ struct member * look ;
+ char info[512];
+ char *interface=NULL;
+ struct ast_call_queue *q;
+ int found=0 ;
+ if (!data) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "RemoveQueueMember requires an argument (queuename|optional interface)\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); // not sure if we need this, but better be safe than sorry ;-)
+ /* Parse our arguments XXX Check for failure XXX */
+ strncpy(info, (char *)data, strlen((char *)data) + AST_MAX_EXTENSION-1);
+ queuename = info;
+ if (queuename) {
+ interface = strchr(queuename, '|');
+ if (interface) {
+ *interface = '\0';
+ interface++;
+ }
+ else
+ interface = chan->name ;
+ }
+ if( ( q = queues) != NULL )
+ {
+ while( q && ( res != 0 ) && (!found) )
+ {
+ ast_pthread_mutex_lock(&q->lock);
+ if( strcmp( q->name, queuename) == 0 )
+ {
+ // found queue, try to remove interface
+ found=1 ;
+ if( ( node = interface_exists( q, interface ) ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if( ( look = q->members ) == node )
+ {
+ // 1st
+ q->members = node->next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while( look != NULL )
+ if( look->next == node )
+ {
+ look->next = node->next ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ else
+ look = look->next ;
+ }
+ free( node ) ;
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Removed interface '%s' to queue '%s'\n",
+ interface, queuename);
+ res = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to remove interface '%s' from queue '%s': "
+ "Not there\n", interface, queuename);
+ }
+ ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&q->lock);
+ q = q->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! found )
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to remove interface from queue '%s': No such queue\n", queuename);
+ return res;
+static int aqm_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data)
+ int res=-1;
+ struct localuser *u;
+ char *queuename;
+ char info[512];
+ char *interface=NULL;
+ struct ast_call_queue *q;
+ struct member *save;
+ int found=0 ;
+ if (!data) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "AddQueueMember requires an argument (queuename|optional interface)\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); // not sure if we need this, but better be safe than sorry ;-)
+ /* Parse our arguments XXX Check for failure XXX */
+ strncpy(info, (char *)data, strlen((char *)data) + AST_MAX_EXTENSION-1);
+ queuename = info;
+ if (queuename) {
+ interface = strchr(queuename, '|');
+ if (interface) {
+ *interface = '\0';
+ interface++;
+ }
+ else
+ interface = chan->name ;
+ }
+ if( ( q = queues) != NULL )
+ {
+ while( q && ( res != 0 ) && (!found) )
+ {
+ ast_pthread_mutex_lock(&q->lock);
+ if( strcmp( q->name, queuename) == 0 )
+ {
+ // found queue, try to enable interface
+ found=1 ;
+ if( interface_exists( q, interface ) == NULL )
+ {
+ save = q->members ;
+ q->members = create_queue_node( interface ) ;
+ if( q->members != NULL )
+ q->members->next = save ;
+ else
+ q->members = save ;
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Added interface '%s' to queue '%s'\n", interface, queuename);
+ res = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to add interface '%s' to queue '%s': "
+ "Already there\n", interface, queuename);
+ }
+ ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&q->lock);
+ q = q->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! found )
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to add interface to queue '%s': No such queue\n", queuename);
+ return res;
static int queue_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data)
int res=-1;
@@ -936,10 +1178,15 @@
if (!res) {
ast_manager_register( "Queues", 0, manager_queues_show, "Queues" );
+ // [PHM 06/26/03]
+ ast_register_application(app_aqm, aqm_exec, app_aqm_synopsis, app_aqm_descrip) ;
+ ast_register_application(app_rqm, rqm_exec, app_rqm_synopsis, app_rqm_descrip) ;
return res;
int reload(void)