[asterisk-users] Get channel variables via ARI/AMI

Jeff LaCoursiere jeff at stratustalk.com
Mon Jun 26 17:21:34 CDT 2023

On 6/26/23 5:19 PM, Jeff LaCoursiere wrote:
> On 6/26/23 9:00 AM, Joshua C. Colp wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 10:57 AM TTT <lists at telium.io> wrote:
>>     I am connecting to the ARI with subscribe all, so I can see
>>     channels being created.  I now want to extract a variety of
>>     header variables (at the moment the from and to tag).  I tried to
>>     read them from the ARI but Asterisk refuses since the channel is
>>     not in a  stasis app.
>>     Is there a way to read these from either the ARI or AMI ?  I’m
>>     trying not to modify the dialplan.
>> ARI, No.
>> AMI, Yes[1].
>> [1] 
>> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+20+ManagerAction_Getvar
> I'm curious what the actual application is here - you want to connect 
> to AMI to pull information that you will use to pretend to be a leg, 
> just to send "BYE", when you could just hangup the leg with AMI (or do 
> just about anything else you might think of).  Sometimes it is better 
> to fully explain what you are trying to accomplish, and some folks 
> here can try to steer you towards a workable solution.  It almost 
> sounds... nefarious.
Meant that towards TTT, not Josh, in case that wasn't clear.

Jeff LaCoursiere
StratusTalk, Inc.
703 496 4990 x108
815 546 6599 cell
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