[asterisk-users] Parallel dialoog with different Alert-Info headers

Dirk-Willem van Gulik dirkx at webweaving.org
Sat Jul 22 15:51:42 CDT 2023

We have a couple of parallel ring settings (and this has worked well for eons).

Either in the form of

	same => n,Dial(SIP/1001 & SIP/1002 & SIP/1003 …..)

Or via a subroutine (below) that has a bit of extra logic:

	FOO = 1010 & 1019 & 1017 & 1033
	same => n,gosub(sub-callout,s,1,(${FOO},”Ringing all class FOO telefons"))

Now I have two types of phones (different) era’s that require slightly different Alert-Info headers.

How can one introduce a layer of indirection at phone (extension) level that adds those headers ?

E.g. something like above 1010 mapping to

	; map internal virtual number to the real SIP dial
	..	SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: <>\;info=alert-internal)
	..	Dail(SIP/2010)

But still have the phones all ring in parallel. Any and all suggestions welcome.

With kind regards,


exten =>                s, 1,Log(NOTICE, Ringing ${ARG2})
same =>                 n,Set(DIALGROUP(allgroup)=)
same =>                 n,While($[${LEN(${ARG1})} != 0])
same =>                         n,Set(PEERNAME=${SHIFT(ARG1,&)})
                               ; Skip any peer that is currently not connected
same =>                         n,ExecIf($[0${SIPPEER(${PEERNAME},port)} != 0]?Set(DIALGROUP(allgroup,add)=SIP/${PEERNAME}))
same =>                 n,EndWhile()
                       ; Play congestion tone if there are no peers connected in this list
same =>                 n,ExecIf($[${LEN(${DIALGROUP(allgroup)})} = 0]?Congestion(10))
same =>                 n,Log(Notice, to ${DIALGROUP(allgroup)})
                       ; For the 95XX phones; prevent a ‘missed call’ entry.
same =>                 n,Set(_CISCO_HUNTPILOT="Ring All" <${EXTEN}>)
same =>                 n,Dial(${DIALGROUP(allgroup)},120,ic)
same =>                 n,Hangup()
same =>                 n,Return()

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