[asterisk-users] Cannot send faxes

Luca Bertoncello lucabert at lucabert.de
Tue Aug 16 11:40:09 CDT 2022


Not sure how long I have the problem, since I really don't send many
faxes, but today I need to send one, and it does not work...

I use HylaFAX 6.0.6-8.1 from Debian repositories and IAXModem
1.2.0~dfsg-3 even from Debian repos.
IAXModem is configured so:

device          /dev/ttyIAX
owner           uucp:uucp
mode            660
port            4569
refresh         60
server          pbxint.lucabert.intra
peername        0049351xxxxxxx
secret          myverypassword
cidname         Familie Bertoncello
cidnumber       0049351xxxxxxx
codec           alaw

I tried (to debug) to send me a "fax" to my mobile phone.
The number will be called, but if I answer, instead of hearing the usual
"sound" of a fax, I only hear a "wait tune".

In Asterisk I see:

   -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from
    --        > requested format = alaw,
    --        > requested prefs = (),
    --        > actual format = alaw,
    --        > host prefs = (alaw),
    --        > priority = mine
    -- Executing [0177yyyyyyy at fax-out:1]
NoOp("IAX2/0049351xxxxxxx-2884", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [0177yyyyyyy at fax-out:2]
Verbose("IAX2/0049351xxxxxxx-2884", "2,Call from FAX") in new stack
  == Call from FAX
    -- Executing [0177yyyyyyy at fax-out:3]
"PJSIP/pbxfax/sip:0177yyyyyyy at tel.t-online.de,,R") in new stack
    -- Called PJSIP/pbxfax/sip:0177yyyyyyy at tel.t-online.de
       > 0x7f8ec402c000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set
    -- PJSIP/pbxfax-00000086 is ringing
       > 0x7f8ec402c000 -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address as source
    -- PJSIP/pbxfax-00000086 is ringing
    -- PJSIP/pbxfax-00000086 answered IAX2/0049351xxxxxxx-2884
    -- Channel PJSIP/pbxfax-00000086 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge
    -- Channel IAX2/0049351xxxxxxx-2884 joined 'simple_bridge'
basic-bridge <9c5b5ca2-d4d9-42e9-b5f8-9532e09cc360>
       > 0x7f8ec402c000 -- Strict RTP learning complete - Locking on
source address
    -- Channel PJSIP/pbxfax-00000086 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge
    -- Channel IAX2/0049351xxxxxxx-2884 left 'simple_bridge'
basic-bridge <9c5b5ca2-d4d9-42e9-b5f8-9532e09cc360>
  == Spawn extension (fax-out, 0177yyyyyyy, 3) exited non-zero on
    -- Hungup 'IAX2/0049351xxxxxxx-2884'

HylaFAX said:

Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: SESSION BEGIN 000000371 491773218409
Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 6.0.6
Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: SEND FAX: JOB 39 DEST 0177yyyyyyy COMMID
000000371 DEVICE '/dev/ttyIAX' FROM 'lucabert <lucabert at lucabert.de>'
USER www-data
Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=1\r]
Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: --> [2:OK]
Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: DIAL 0177yyyyyyy
Aug 16 18:34:37.51: [26819]: <-- [16:ATDT0177yyyyyyy\r]
Aug 16 18:34:52.66: [26819]: --> [10:NO CARRIER]
Aug 16 18:34:52.66: [26819]: SEND FAILED: JOB 39 DEST 0177yyyyyyy ERR
[2] No carrier detected
Aug 16 18:34:53.66: [26819]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Aug 16 18:34:53.66: [26819]: --> [2:OK]
Aug 16 18:34:53.66: [26819]: SESSION END

Any idea what can be the problem?

Thanks a lot
Luca Bertoncello
(lucabert at lucabert.de)

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