[asterisk-users] How to use mixmonitor when transfering a call

Carlos Chavez cursor at telecomab.mx
Fri Apr 8 16:11:56 CDT 2022

     I am having a problem with my recordings.  Mixmonitor is called in 
the "macro" when you dial an extension.  If that call is transferred to 
another extension then the recording is reset and we lose the recording 
for the original call.  How can I tell Mixmonitor to keep recording and 
not reset?  I have the "a" option set in mixmonitor to append and not 
overwrite.  Is there a way to know if Mixmonitor has already started on 
this call and avoid executing it again when transferred?  This is what I 

[ Context 'grabar' created by 'pbx_config' ]
   's' =>            1. 
                     2. Mixmonitor(${MONITOR_FILE},ba) [extensions.conf:0]
                     3. Return() [extensions.conf:0]

     On every transfer the recording starts again at the moment. I 
thought the "a" option would simply append to the file and keep going.  
Any ideas?

Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de México S.A. de C.V.
Carlos Chávez
+52 (55)8116-9161

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