[asterisk-users] unsolved: Re: solved: how to create a working certificate for using TLS?

hw hw at gc-24.de
Fri Jul 5 14:28:06 CDT 2019

On 7/5/19 9:22 PM, Steve Murphy wrote:
> hw--
> I see this kind of behavior when the certificate expires... you've 
> probably checked this, but sometimes we
> miss little details like that.

I thought about that and checked the configuration I've been using to
create the certificate, and I can't see anywhere that it would expire 
earlier than after 3650 days.  Is there another way to check this?

Which certificate is the one that can not be verified: the one I
created or the one used by the SIP provider?  How can I find out
which certificate the error message is referring to?

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