[asterisk-users] WebRTC as Softphone substitute ?

Carlos Chavez cursor at telecomab.mx
Wed Sep 26 15:05:29 CDT 2018

On 9/26/18 10:20 AM, Matthew Fredrickson wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 9:40 AM Carlos Chavez <cursor at telecomab.mx> wrote:
>> On 9/26/2018 4:46 AM, Olivier wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This morning, I asked myself if WebRTC could be a viable alternative
>>> to softphone deployment.
>>> For me, main issue with Softphones is the amount of work needed for
>>> installation and configuration.
>>> Also, Softphones must be carefully choosen if Deskphone-like quality
>>> is expected.
>>> Now that WebRTC becomes ubiquitous, it might make sense to trade
>>> Softphone features (call history, BLF, ...) for WebRTC deployment
>>> simplicity.
>>> What do you think of this ?
>>> What kind of experience did you met with such WebRTC deployments ?
>>> What about classic telephony features (CallTransfer) ?
>>> Have you tried Cyber Maga Phone 2K ?
>>       If you can get it to work WebRTC is a good option.  The problem is
>> that any changes in your network may disrupt it and even trying to
>> replicate your installation is difficult.  I have it working fine on my
>> website so customers can call us directly from our web page but I never
>> could get Cyber Mega Phone 2K to work on the same server.  We used JSSIP
>> to create the webrtc phone on our website.
> We just updated the documentation for how to get CMP2K working on the
> wiki [1].  We'd love some feedback if you still have issues getting it
> setup so that we can improve the docs.
> [1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Installing+and+Configuring+CyberMegaPhone
> Best wishes,
> Matthew Fredrickson
     I followed the procedure indicated in the link but I cannot get 
remote video.  I can only see my own feed.  We do have audio for a 
little while.  For some reason the users get disconnected after a few 
minutes even though you can still see your video feed on screen.  This 
was done with Asterisk 15.6.0

Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de México S.A. de C.V.
Carlos Chávez
+52 (55)8116-9161

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