[asterisk-users] Dial to FastAGI application appears as 1-second CDR - how do I fix?

Alex Villací­s Lasso a_villacis at palosanto.com
Tue May 29 11:06:26 CDT 2018

El 29/05/18 a las 05:24, Tony Mountifield escribió:
> In article <3a005ff6-19a4-215b-4751-bee616ec74e6 at palosanto.com>,
> Alex Villací­s Lasso <a_villacis at palosanto.com> wrote:
>> In my application, I am using AMI to run an Originate command between a channel and a dialplan application (NOT a
>> context). In my case, the application I want to invoke is FastAGI. The Originate AMI command works correctly, but
>> Asterisk generates a very
>> short (0-1s) duration for the CDR that results from this call, regardless of the time spent running the FastAGI
>> application. I want the CDR duration to reflect the time spent in the entirety of the call, as is normal for ordinary
>> calls. What should I do? I
>> am running Asterisk 11.25.3 .
> Are you using Local channels as the target channel?
Yes, this is the standard way my application works.
> I found what I believe is an issue with CDR handling when masquerading Local channels, when I ported
> one of my old applications from Asterisk 1.2.32 to 11.25.3. It was recording an incorrect CDR
> for the setup part of the call, and none for the answered part. In 1.2.32 I was getting two CDRs,
> one for the setup part and another for the answered part.
> I eventually tracked it down to ast_do_masquerade() in channel.c, and made the following change,
> which corrected the CDR behaviour back to the same as what Asterisk 1.2 had done:
> $ diff -u --show-c-function channel.c.orig channel.c
> --- channel.c.orig      2017-09-19 17:03:38.000000000 +0100
> +++ channel.c   2018-05-29 11:13:41.000000000 +0100
> @@ -6864,7 +6864,9 @@ int ast_do_masquerade(struct ast_channel
>          } exchange;
>          struct ast_channel *clonechan, *chans[2];
>          struct ast_channel *bridged;
> +#ifdef I_THINK_THIS_IS_WRONG /* Tony Mountifield, 2018-03-29. Removing this code fixes lost CDRs with masquerade */
>          struct ast_cdr *cdr;
> +#endif
>          struct ast_datastore *xfer_ds;
>          struct xfer_masquerade_ds *xfer_colp;
>          struct ast_format rformat;
> @@ -7035,10 +7037,12 @@ int ast_do_masquerade(struct ast_channel
>          ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(original, ast_channel_tech_pvt(clonechan));
>          ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(clonechan, t_pvt);
> +#ifdef I_THINK_THIS_IS_WRONG /* Tony Mountifield, 2018-03-29. Removing this code fixes lost CDRs with masquerade */
>          /* Swap the cdrs */
>          cdr = ast_channel_cdr(original);
>          ast_channel_cdr_set(original, ast_channel_cdr(clonechan));
>          ast_channel_cdr_set(clonechan, cdr);
> +#endif
>          /* Swap the alertpipes */
>          ast_channel_internal_alertpipe_swap(original, clonechan);
> $
> I didn't research what version this change appeared in, nor whether it has been subsequently fixed in
> later versions of Asterisk. There was no point reporting it in Asterisk 11, as that was out of LTS
> by the time I discovered it.
> So you could try making the above changes to channel.c and see if it improves the CDRs for you.
> Cheers
> Tony
I will try doing this change and recompiling to see what happens.

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