[asterisk-users] Mixmonitor with b option

Carlos Chavez cursor at telecomab.mx
Mon Jan 8 10:35:49 CST 2018

On 1/8/18 9:38 AM, Bertrand LUPART - Linkeo.com wrote:

> Hello Carlos,
>>     We have a server that records all calls so we set Mixmonitor with the b option to only record calls that are actually bridged. I notice that we have lost of 44 byte files in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor which correspond to calls that were not answered.  If a call is not answered I assume it was never bridged so why would Asterisk create a file?
> Which version of asterisk are you running? Looks like this has been fixed some years ago :
> https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2068/diff/
>> Is there a way to avoid getting those empty files?  It makes finding recordings vey slow when there are hundreds of non relevant files in the monitor directory.
> You could run a cron job that would periodically delete those 44 bytes files
> Dispatching audio files in subdirectories may help performance-wise, for example :
>   same => n,MixMonitor(/absolute/path/${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y)}/${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%m)}/${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%d)}/${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y-%m-%d)}-${CALLERID(num)}-${EXTEN}-${UNIQUEID}.gsm)
     We are running 13.8.4 at the moment which was the latest when 
deployed.  I guess the patch never made it to the trunk.  The problem 
with running a script to cleanup is that you may drag files that are 
open at the moment but still at 44 bytes because they are still waiting 
to be bridged.  I may start using subdirectories as you mention but that 
means I will still have lots of empty files to deal with.


Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de México S.A. de C.V.
Carlos Chávez
+52 (55)8116-9161

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