[asterisk-users] Having problem getting Asterisk to work on CentOS 7

Telium Technical Support support at telium.ca
Wed Mar 15 11:08:04 CDT 2017

The history of the question is lost (in the mail thread) so I'll jump in
based on what I could see in my recent mail and the subject line:

-        The ASTDB should have no impact on Asterisk service start (which I
assume is the problem given the subject line)

-        If you disabled SElinux then that's not the problem in starting


>From another posting it appears that you can start Asterisk from the binary,
and from safe_asterisk.  If that's correct, then are you able to start/stop
Asterisk from the service file?  With CentOS7 that would be:


systemctl start asterisk


Is your asterisk service file present?  (You can create one easily based on
samples on the internet).  If you have an asterisk service file but startup
fails post the relevant portion of your syslog (journalctl).


If your question has changed (you mentioned 'the first problem') then ignore
the above; jumping in late.

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