[asterisk-users] Voicemail asking for login

J Montoya asterisk_list at earthshod.co.uk
Thu Apr 20 11:52:29 CDT 2017

On Thursday 20 Apr 2017, D'Arcy Cain wrote:
> On 2017-04-20 12:23 PM, D'Arcy Cain wrote:
> > Here is the full dialplan for stocktrans2.
> I reduced this to the following and I still have the error.
> exten => stocktrans2,1,Verbose(0,Entering extension stocktrans2)
>      same => n(VoiceMail),Set(CDR(userfield)=VoiceMail)
>      same => n,Verbose(0,${CALLERID(all)} going into voice mail for
> stocktrans2)
>      same => n,VoiceMail(stocktrans2 at VoiceMail,u)
>      same => n,Hangup()

O.K., so -- assuming that extension "darcy" behaves properly if you simplify 
it similarly -- nothing before there can be causing the problem.

What is in your [VoiceMail] context?  Are "stocktrans2" and "darcy" separate 
extensions, or is there a catch-all?  What is in the "a" extension  (which 
gets called when the * key is pressed) ?


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list, change address to asterisk1list at earthshod dot co dot uk .

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