[asterisk-users] Match one OR two digit extension not working as expected without using "dangerous" _. pattern (Ast 14)

Jean Aunis jean.aunis at prescom.fr
Thu Oct 13 06:05:36 CDT 2016

You can use the "!" character :

exten => _X!,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN})

Best regards

Jean Aunis

Le 13/10/2016 à 12:54, Jonathan H a écrit :
> Back to basics here. I want to match on one OR two digits.
> The following two both work, but ONLY for more than one digit, which
> is not as expected from the docs (see below).
> exten => _X.,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN})
> exten => _[0-9].,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN})
> This next one will ONLY match 2 digits, as expected, but the first two
> SHOULD match one or more, right?
> exten => _XX,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN})
> The following pattern works, but I thought it was "dangerous" and to
> be discouraged?
> exten => _.,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN})
> So, again, if someone dials 1 and a one second delay passes, I want it to say 1.
> If someone dials 1 then another 1 within a second then I want it to be
> 11, and 111 should be invalid.
> (I've Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=1) )
> Yes, I can do this with multiple lines, but the docs suggest this
> should be easily do-able in 1 line, and I don't want to double the
> amount of dialplan (there'll be a few of these!).
> Here are my references:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Pattern+Matching
> The letter X or x represents a single digit from 0 to 9.
> The period character (.) at the end of a pattern matches one or more
> remaining characters. You put it at the end of a pattern when you want
> to match extensions of an indeterminate length.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Page 141 of the Asterisk Definitive Guide 4th Edition:
> . (period)
> Wildcard match; matches one or more characters, no matter what they are.
> If you’re not careful, wildcard matches can make your dialplans do
> things you’re not expecting (like matching built-in extensions such
> as i or h). You should use the wildcard match in a pattern only after
> you’ve matched as many other digits as possible. For example, the
> following pattern match should probably never be used:
> _.
> In fact, Asterisk will warn you if you try to use it. Instead, if you
> really need a catchall pattern match, use this one to match all strings
> that start with a digit followed by one or more characters (see ! if
> you want to be able to match on zero or more characters):
> _X.
> Or this one, to match any alphanumeric string:
> _[0-9a-zA-Z].
> ---------------------------------------------------
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+Dialplan+Patterns
> Do not use a pattern of _. as this will match everything including
> Asterisk special extensions like i, t, h, etc. Instead use something
> like _X. or _X which will not match __special__ extensions..
> So what do you use instead of _. ? Many examples use this construct,
> but if you use it you may see a warning message in the log advising
> you to change _. to _X.
> ---------------------------------------------------

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