[asterisk-users] 2 devices same *actual* extension - can it be done

Kevin Larsen kevin.larsen at pioneerballoon.com
Thu Mar 10 08:54:53 CST 2016

> Can someone tell me if this is possible?
> I currently have a VOIP phone registered on an Asterisk PBX at a 
> remote location (working fine).
> I want to install an Asterisk PBX at the local location. I will be 
> porting the current POSTS lines to SIP trunking.
> So now I want the remote line and the local lines to appear on the 
> same handset.
> This would mean I would have to pass internet to the phone for the 
> remote extension and also register the local extensions.
> So, for example, I could have the remote extension assigned to line 
> one (ACCOUNT 1 on the Polycom handset), and the local extensions 
> assigned to lines two, three, and four ( ACCOUNTS 2,3,4).
> How do I do this?

So, the first thing you will have to do is to make sure that your phone 
has routes to and can talk to each pbx over the network. Depending on your 
network design, this may be pretty simple or it may get pretty complex and 
will be hard to give a definitive answer in this discussion without more 
details. A good test might be to see if the phone can ping the pbx. Since 
you specifically mentioned a Polycom handset, look under 
Menu-Status-Diagnostics-Network-Ping. This will possibly help you to know 
that you can reach the pbx from the phone (provided your network is set up 
correctly and the pbx responds to pings). Note, many network designs will 
actually block pings even when the SIP and RTP traffic will traverse it 
just fine, so a failure here isn't necessarily the kiss of death.

Next, you will need to set up your phone to register with each PBX. 
Polycom has excellent docs on how to perform a setup using xml 
configuration files. Here is an example with four lines connecting to four 
different voip servers on a Polycom phone. Please note that I do not 
endorse the insecure usernames and passwords used here. They don't follow 
best practices and are only here for an example.

<reg reg.1.displayName="John Doe" reg.1.address="1111" 
reg.1.auth.userId="1111" reg.1.auth.password="1111" reg.1.label="Account 
1" reg.1.server.1.address="" reg.1.label="Account 1" 
reg.2.displayName="John Doe" reg.2.address="2222" reg.2.auth.userId="2222" 
reg.2.auth.password="2222" reg.2.server.1.address="" 
reg.2.label="Account 2" reg.3.displayName="John Doe" reg.3.address="3333" 
reg.3.auth.userId="3333" reg.3.auth.password="3333" 
reg.3.server.1.address="" reg.3.label="Account 3" 
reg.4.displayName="John Doe" reg.4.address="4444" reg.4.auth.userId="4444" 
reg.4.auth.password="4444" reg.4.server.1.address="" 
reg.4.label="Account 4"/>

Note that this is just one small section out of a much larger 
configuration file used to completely configure a Polycom phone. Assuming 
you have the rest of your configs working, this would then put 4 lines 
onto the phone, each pointing to a different pbx and each labeled 

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