[asterisk-users] Asterisk Fax Receive - how to get the remoteheader?

Larry Moore lmoore at starwon.com.au
Sun Dec 18 06:15:01 CST 2016


I haven't found anything definitive however I expect the TSI that is 
sent during initial fax call establishment is stored by the receiving 
terminal, see pages 28 & 29 of the English version of the document at 
https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.30-200509-I/en , I expect the header, 
which will include the TSI, is all part of the image (Tagline in 
HylaFAX) and not stored separately on the receiving terminal.



On 18/12/2016 6:20 PM, Yves wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for your answer. Unfortunately this is, what I already know. I 
> was wondering, why it is possible to set ID and Header for an outgoing 
> fax (which will then in turn
> be inserted via asterisk on top of the transferred "image") , while it 
> seems to not be possible to get the Header from a received fax (only 
> the id), although it is present in the faxdocument.
> The ID is also present in the faxdocument and there does a 
> Faxopt(remotestationid) exist... so I thought, this info must be 
> transferred not only binary within the "image", but
> also within the "meta-data" / protocol-data of the fax (within the 
> TSI).... otherwise asterisk must do some kind of ocr to get the ID, 
> what it definitely does not...
> btw... when using sendfax, asterisk inserts the date, the id, the 
> header and the pagenum on top of each faxpage... someone knows how to 
> modify some settings like font, position, and so on?
> thanks,
> yves
> Am 18.12.2016 um 00:02 schrieb Larry Moore:
>> The list of options available are listed here 
>> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+11+Function_FAXOPT
>> It doesn't appear that a received header is available unless it is 
>> written into the 'headerinfo' variable after it is received, I 
>> haven't checked for this.
>> From my days working with fax machines, the header could be inserted 
>> in the line the TSI is on or in the image being transmitted, if you 
>> receive a fax that has been sent to you with the latter set, then the 
>> 'headerinfo' will not be of any use. Perhaps someone with more 
>> knowledge may be able to explain this better.
>> A quick Google search for 'fax header outside of tsi' will provide a 
>> list of manuals, here's one - 
>> http://manuals.konicaminolta.eu/bizhub-C554-C454-C364-C284-C224/EN/contents/sh3_378.html#qitem13 
>> Expand the line for
>>         To specify the position of Header Position printed on a sent
>>         fax ([Header Position])
>> Larry.
>> On 18/12/2016 4:30 AM, Yves wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using asterisk 11.8 in combination with spandsp to send and 
>>> receive T38 Faxes. All works fine, but I do not know
>>> how to get the remoteheader from the fax I receive.
>>> When I send a fax, there are Faxopts to set the localstationid and 
>>> the headerinfo, but for receiving, there seems to only exist
>>> the Faxopts remotestationid
>>> but for sure on any fax I receive there is a remoteheaderinfo 
>>> besides the remotestationid... it is on the tiff-file, but I need this
>>> info in a channel-variable...
>>> Does anybody know how to get the remoteheaderinfo for a received fax?
>>> thanks
>>> yves

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