[asterisk-users] ARI Push Configuration and duplicate objects

Andrew Ivins andrew at ivins.id.au
Tue Apr 19 20:51:20 CDT 2016


Asterisk 13.8.0. Can anybody explain why I get two objects whenever I use
ARI Push? (https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/ARI+Push+Configuration

Below is what I see using the auth push example from the wiki, but I get
the same thing for endpoints and aors too.

root at vagrant-ubuntu-wily-64:~# asterisk -r -x "pjsip show auths"
No objects found.

root at vagrant-ubuntu-wily-64:~# curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type:
application/json" -u asterisk:asterisk -d '{"fields": [ { "attribute":
"auth_type", "value": "userpass"}, {"attribute": "username", "value":
"alice"}, {"attribute": "password", "value": "secret" } ] }'
    "attribute": "md5_cred",
    "value": ""

root at vagrant-ubuntu-wily-64:~#asterisk -r -x "pjsip show auths"

     Auth:  alice/alice
     Auth:  alice/alice
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