[asterisk-users] Asterisk 12 on Debian Wheezy

A J Stiles asterisk_list at earthshod.co.uk
Tue Aug 12 11:49:23 CDT 2014

On Tuesday 12 Aug 2014, Olivier wrote:
> Hello,
> A couple of questions in relation with Asterisk 12 on Debian Wheezy.
> 1. Can paquet libpjproject-dev (from wheezy-backport) be installed as
> the sole binary to add PJSIP stack to Asterisk 12 (compiled from
> source) ?
> 2. When compiling PJPROJECT from source (see
> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Building+and+Installing+pjprojec
> t?src=search)), where should PJSIP .so files be located in an appropriately
> managed Wheezy system  ?
> In other words should I get the line bellow or something else ?
>     libpjsua.so (libc6) => /usr/lib/libpjsua.so

Asterisk as downloaded builds from Source into /usr aot /usr/local.  This is 
only ever a problem if you try to mix built-from-Source Asterisk with 
prepackaged Asterisk.  Stick to one method or the other, and you will have 
nothing to worry about.


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