[asterisk-users] Reload problems with 1.8.27 and 11.9.0 - Someone else ?

Administrator TOOTAI admin at tootai.net
Wed Apr 30 05:15:03 CDT 2014


after upgrade from 11.8.1 to 11.9.0 on our test server, and from to 1.8.27 on production one, some CLI commands like "sip 
reload" or "iax2 reload" does nothing.

We opened bug 23683 but it was immediately closed by Matt Jordan, 
telling that he can't reproduce it. But we can.


- switching back to 11.8.1 respectively does the job working 
again (We just run a make install from within this directory)
- cleaning 11.8.0 source directory -make clean && ./configure && make && 
make install- all is good
- cleaning 11.9.0 source directory -make clean && ./configure && make && 
make install- problem appears again
- switching back to 11.8.0 does the job working again (We just run a 
make install from within this directory)

The first installation of latest version was done by patching the 
previous version, we downloaded the source tar.gz and compile => problem 

Does anybody else face this problem with latest version? If it was a 
server problem, earlier version should have same behaviour after 
compiling but they don't.

Server OS is Debian Wheezy 3.2.0-4 amd64 in KVM virtual machine

Thanks for any hint



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