[asterisk-users] Old Asterisk Release wanting to upgrade ...

Chris Bagnall asterisk at lists.minotaur.cc
Thu Apr 17 05:32:21 CDT 2014

On 17/4/14 3:53 am, Lee, John (Sydney) wrote:
> I have written a lot of AEL2 script in Asterisk 1.4.x and I am not sure if it will still run in 11.

If I'm honest, this is why I still have so many 1.4.x boxes around as 
well. I've been using 11 for new installs, but the thought of having to 
redo all the AEL macros from 1.4 does not fill me with any enthusiasm to 
update those boxes.

The switch to Gosub() does not seem to be an easy drop-in replacement 
for Macro().

Kind regards,

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