[asterisk-users] users can not hear the audio playback sometimes

Kumar Shantanu shantanu at techblue.co.uk
Wed Sep 25 07:57:02 CDT 2013

Thank you Gareth,

It worked like a charm.

The only problem I am having is now, when I do some changes in my 
freepbx and reload it just rewrites my dial play , I will try to fix it 

Thanks again


On 09/25/2013 05:09 PM, Gareth Blades wrote:
> On 25/09/13 11:21, Kumar Shantanu wrote:
>> Thanks Gareth ,
>>> Try calling Progress() just before the dial command. Without this 
>>> Asterisk wont send the SIP/183 Session Progress and send the inband 
>>> audio until the call is answered.
>> Do I need to change something in asterisk dial plan ? I am using 
>> freepbx to mange asterisk graphically.
> Yes you will see a section called [macro-dialout-trunk]
> Within that there will be a line line :-
> exten => s,n,Dial(something....)
> Just before that line add :-
> exten => s,n,Progress()
> You will then need to reload the dialplan (dialplan reload from the 
> asterisk prompt) and you can give it a go.

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