[asterisk-users] Recording with MixMonitor and AGI

Henrik Westerberg henrik.westerberg at ain.se
Thu Mar 7 09:21:14 CST 2013


I am developing a call recording application on Asterisk 11.2 and have this configuration in my dialplan:

exten => s,1,MixMonitor(${ARG1},b)

exten => _X.,1,NoOp(Will send call to ${EXTEN})
exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@x.y.z)

exten => h,1,Agi(agi://localhost/ajpbx.agi?path=uploadrec&callid=${CC_CALLID})

exten => _X,1,NoOp(Will send call to ${EXTEN}, CC_CALLID is ${CC_CALLID}, CC_FILENAME is ${CC_FILENAME})
exten => _X,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@x.y.z,60,M(ccdev2-rec^${CC_FILENAME})e)

If I want to make a recorded server callout from 077777777 to 0888888888 I then originate a call via AMI to Local/077777777 at outgoing-originate with context set to outgoing-originate-rec and extension to 0888888888.
The result will be something like this:

    -- Executing [s at macro-ccdev2-rec:1] MixMonitor("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003f", "cbrec-15605.wav,b") in new stack
  == Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003f
    -- Executing [h at outgoing-originate-rec:1] AGI("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003e", "agi://l4574/ajpbxtest.agi?path=uploadrec&callid=15605") in new stack
    -- <SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003e>AGI Script agi://localhost/ajpbxtest.agi?path=uploadrec&callid=15605 completed, returning 0
    -- Executing [h at outgoing-originate-rec-dev2:1] AGI("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003f", "agi://4574/ajpbxtest.agi?path=uploadrec&callid=") in new stack
    -- <SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003f>AGI Script agi://localhost/ajpbxtest.agi?path=uploadrec&callid= completed, returning 0
  == MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
  == End MixMonitor Recording SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-0000003f

Unfortunately I get two different calls to the h extension, but this I can cope with. The one without called is not interesting.
The uploading will fail since the MixMonitor is still on when I try to upload the file. The file will not have a duration. It works when I schedule the uploading a while after from my agi application but I would rather not rely on a timeout.

When I tried to run StopMixMonitor before the Agi call in the h extension, the first call fail and I never get any uploading with callid.

    -- Executing [s at macro-ccdev2-rec:1] MixMonitor("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-00000043", "cbrec-15607.wav,b") in new stack
  == Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-00000043
    -- Executing [h at outgoing-originate-rec-dev2:1] StopMixMonitor("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-00000042", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (outgoing-originate-rec-dev2, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-00000042'
    -- Executing [h at outgoing-originate-rec-dev2:1] StopMixMonitor("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-00000043", "") in new stack
  == MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
    -- Executing [h at outgoing-originate-rec-dev2:2] AGI("SIP/upps-ccm-tq01-00000043", "agi://localhost/ajpbxtest.agi?path=uploadrec&callid=") in new stack

Am I missing something here? I also looked at the possibility to specify a command to execute when MixMonitor stops but I would rather handle the file uploading in my agi application.

I also have another case: I want to dial out a call and record it. It will be a "oneway-call" from the server to a mobile. Do I need to get AGI-control of it and record with an AGI command or how can I hack it directly in the dial plan using MixMonitor?

Best Regards,
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