[asterisk-users] Trigger Asterisk after data inserted in mysql

Bryant Zimmerman BryantZ at zktech.com
Wed Sep 19 13:30:31 CDT 2012


The way we do this is to have a trigger insert into a batch table. This 
table can be polled from a secondary process. That process/service is 
responsible for monitoring, working and cleanup. This allows for you to 
poll a highly optimized table without taking the db performance hit from 
larger tables that will grow over time. We process millions of cdr and 
process records a day this way. It also allows you balanced process loads 
across multiple servers. This can be extremely important on systems that 
are more heavily loaded. It also allows you to remove process load and 
latencies from the database servers. 


Bryant Zimmerman (ZK Tech Inc.)
616-855-1030 Ext. 2003 

 From: "David Cook" <dbc_asterisk at advan.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 2:04 PM
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Trigger Asterisk after data inserted in 

It looks like the answer is yes.


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