[asterisk-users] Sending calls from behind NAT

Chris Bagnall asterisk at lists.minotaur.cc
Tue Nov 13 15:48:09 CST 2012

On 13/11/12 9:31 pm, Leighton Brennan wrote:
> It looks like you need to enable the sip application layer gateway or ALG on your router

Quite often the reverse is true. Most routers (at least those I've used) 
seem to have such a lousy implementation of a SIP ALG it's often far 
better to just disable it and do your own NAT fixups in Asterisk (as 
others have indicated in previous posts).

In fact, it's now the first thing we advise clients to do when they 
report call problems or one-way audio: disable the SIP ALG in your router.

Sadly, there are also quite a few routers out there now that have ALGs 
that can't be disabled (or that make it extremely difficult to disable 

Kind regards,

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