[asterisk-users] Impromptu conferencing

Administrator TOOTAI admin at tootai.net
Thu Nov 8 03:18:25 CST 2012

Le 08/11/2012 10:01, martin f krafft a écrit :
> also sprach Administrator TOOTAI<admin at tootai.net>  [2012.11.08.0954 +0100]:
>>> Does anyone have a working example they would be willing to
>>> share?
>> As said by James, you just have to transfer all parties in
>> a conference room and then you call this conference.
> The scenario is usually that we are in a discussion and need a third
> party. I suppose I can tell the initial correspondent "I will now
> transfer you to a conference room, enter this PIN when asked", then
> hang up, dial the next, and do the same.
> What I would like to do is to convert the current channel into
> a conference room, go on hold and dial a third party, and when
> I come back to the conference room, I bring along the third party.
> Put differently: I don't really want my correspondents to have to do
> anything, just wait and listen to MOH.

For a 3 way conference, all those days phones are able to do this.

Anyway, the conference trick is as simply as the 3-way phone conference: 
no need of PIN conference, just a room with MOH when a user is sole. 
That's it, no manipulation for your correspondents.


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