[asterisk-users] asterisk go to "holiday" extension but hoiday is not defined

Syco sycolth at gmail.com
Tue May 1 11:20:39 CDT 2012

what is the pipe before jul
  I don't understand the utility of that "|"  from the doc.

On 01/05/2012 17:15, Joseph wrote:
> When a call comes in asterisk is forwarding the call to holiday 
> extension, even though the holiday is not defined.
> Here is my dial plan
> exten => 4,1,GotoIfTime(*,*,1,jan?holiday,s,1)  ; new years day
> exten => 4,n,GotoIfTime(*,*,6,apr?holiday,s,1) ; easter holiday
> exten => 4,n,GotoIfTime(*,*,23,may?holiday,s,1)
> exten => 4,n,GotoIfTime(*,*,1,|jul?holiday,s,1)  ; canada day
> exten => 4,n,GotoIfTime(*,*,1,aug?holiday,s,1)  ; long weekend
> ...
> Today is May 1, so why is it going to "holiday" extension?
> Is there another dial plan that holidays are defined? I'm using 
> asterisk 1.8.10

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