[asterisk-users] Problem with ReceiveFax

Ishfaq Malik ish at pack-net.co.uk
Fri Mar 2 09:32:15 CST 2012

I'm trying to get an inbound fax written to a tiff file but I'm having
major problems. Using asterisk on CentOS 5.6

Here's the CLI output when I try

  == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [200 at local:1] Goto("SIP/588-00000007", "fax-in,s,1")
    -- Goto (fax-in,s,1)
    -- Executing [s at fax-in:1] Answer("SIP/588-00000007", "")
    -- Executing [s at fax-in:2] Wait("SIP/588-00000007", "3")
[2012-03-02 15:11:27] NOTICE[4628]: chan_sip.c:7280 sip_read: FAX CNG detected but no fax extension
    -- Executing [s at fax-in:3] Set("SIP/588-00000007", "FAXFILE=/tmp/fax-588-20120302-151130.tiff")
    -- Executing [s at fax-in:4] ReceiveFAX("SIP/588-00000007", "/tmp/fax-588-20120302-151130.tiff")
    -- Channel 'SIP/588-00000007' receiving FAX '/tmp/fax-588-20120302-151130.tiff'
[2012-03-02 15:11:33] WARNING[4628]: res_fax.c:1508 receivefax_t38_init: channel 'SIP/588-00000007' refused to negotiate T.38
[2012-03-02 15:11:33] WARNING[4628]: res_fax.c:1529 receivefax_t38_init: Audio FAX not allowed on channel 'SIP/588-00000007' and T.38 negotiation failed; aborting.
[2012-03-02 15:11:33] ERROR[4628]: res_fax.c:1734 receivefax_exec: error initializing channel 'SIP/588-00000007' in T.38 mode
  == Spawn extension (fax-in, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/588-00000007'
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:1] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "###       FAXSTATUS: FAILED")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:2] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "###        FAXERROR: T38_NEG_ERROR")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:3] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "###         FAXMODE: ")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:4] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "###        FAXPAGES: 0")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:5] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "###      FAXBITRATE: ")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:6] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "###   FAXRESOLUTION: ")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:7] NoOP("SIP/588-00000007", "### REMOTESTATIONID: ")
    -- Executing [h at fax-in:8] System("SIP/588-00000007", "mail -s FaxToEmail ish at pack-net.co.uk < /tmp/fax-588-20120302-151130.tiff")
[2012-03-02 15:11:33] WARNING[3685]: chan_sip.c:8740 process_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: audio 0 RTP/AVP 8
[2012-03-02 15:11:33] WARNING[3685]: chan_sip.c:8827 process_sdp: Failing due to no acceptable offer found

Any insight in to what is going wrong would be really helpful.

I'm using Fax for Asterisk and have attained a license and installed it.

The fax machine is connection to a Draytek VoIP enabled router and then to our test server

Here's the settings for the peer

carthage*CLI> sip show peer 588

  * Name       : 588
  Realtime peer: Yes, cached
  Secret       : <Set>
  MD5Secret    : <Not set>
  Remote Secret: <Not set>
  Context      : local
  Subscr.Cont. : <Not set>
  Language     : 
  AMA flags    : Unknown
  Transfer mode: open
  CallingPres  : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
  Callgroup    : 
  Pickupgroup  : 
  MOH Suggest  : 
  Mailbox      : 
  VM Extension : asterisk
  LastMsgsSent : 32767/65535
  Call limit   : 5
  Max forwards : 0
  Dynamic      : Yes
  Callerid     : "" <>
  MaxCallBR    : 384 kbps
  Expire       : 2598
  Insecure     : no
  Force rport  : Yes
  ACL          : No
  DirectMedACL : No
  T.38 support : Yes
  T.38 EC mode : FEC
  T.38 MaxDtgrm: -1
  DirectMedia  : No
  PromiscRedir : No
  User=Phone   : No
  Video Support: No
  Text Support : No
  Ign SDP ver  : No
  Trust RPID   : No
  Send RPID    : Yes
  Subscriptions: Yes
  Overlap dial : Yes
  DTMFmode     : rfc2833
  Timer T1     : 500
  Timer B      : 32000
  ToHost       : 
  Addr->IP     :
  Defaddr->IP  : (null)
  Prim.Transp. : UDP
  Allowed.Trsp : UDP
  Def. Username: 588
  SIP Options  : replaces replace 
  Codecs       : 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)
  Codec Order  : (alaw:20,ulaw:20,g729:20)
  Auto-Framing :  No 
  100 on REG   : Yes
  Status       : OK (36 ms)
  Useragent    : DrayTek UA-1.2.3 Vigor2710
  Reg. Contact : sip:588 at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  Qualify Freq : 120000 ms
  Sess-Timers  : Accept
  Sess-Refresh : uas
  Sess-Expires : 1800 secs
  Min-Sess     : 90 secs
  RTP Engine   : asterisk
  Parkinglot   : 
  Use Reason   : No
  Encryption   : No

Here's the relevant sip settings

  T.38 support:           Yes
  T.38 EC mode:           FEC
  T.38 MaxDtgrm:          -1

here's the fax settings

fax show settings
FAX For Asterisk Settings:
	ECM: Enabled
	Status Events: On
	Minimum Bit Rate: 2400
	Maximum Bit Rate: 14400
	Modem Modulations Allowed: V17,V27,V29

FAX Technology Modules:

DIGIUM (Digium FAX Driver) Settings:
	Maximum T.38 Packet Delay: 800
	T.38 Session Packet Capture: Off
	G.711 Session Audio Capture: Off

fax show stats

FAX Statistics:

Current Sessions     : 0
Reserved Sessions    : 0
Transmit Attempts    : 0
Receive Attempts     : 9
Completed FAXes      : 0
Failed FAXes         : 9

Digium G.711        
Licensed Channels    : 1
Max Concurrent       : 0
Success              : 0
Switched to T.38     : 0
Canceled             : 0
No FAX               : 0
Partial              : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 0
Protocol Error       : 0
IO Partial           : 0
IO Fail              : 0

Digium T.38         
Licensed Channels    : 1
Max Concurrent       : 0
Success              : 0
Canceled             : 0
No FAX               : 0
Partial              : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 0
Protocol Error       : 0
IO Partial           : 0
IO Fail              : 0

Ishfaq Malik
Software Developer
PackNet Ltd

Office:   0161 660 3062

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