[asterisk-users] Help choosing the right card

Vladimir Mikhelson vlad at mikhelson.com
Sun Jun 17 18:14:07 CDT 2012

On 6/17/2012 5:56 PM, Shaun Ruffell wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 03:43:35PM -0500, Vladimir Mikhelson wrote:
>> On 6/17/2012 12:06 PM, Shaun Ruffell wrote:
>>> I just updated the patch since the memory locks weren't carried
>>> through after the fork call.  When I apply the patch on the current
>>> head of the asterisk 1.8 branch and load all the asterisk modules by
>>> default:
>>>   # asterisk -p
>>>   # cat /proc/`pidof asterisk`/status | grep VmLck
>>>   VmLck:    567268 kB
>>> You can see that just after load there is already 567MB locked.
>>> The systems on DAHLIN-241 started with 384M and were updated to
>>> 512M.
>> Shaun,  if I understand the numbers correctly i still cannot use the
>> patch as 562,268KB > 512MB
> You are correct. You will not be able to lock all the memory and one
> of the allocations will fail if you're autoloading all modules. So
> if you want to avoid delays incurred when the system needs to page
> in code pages on events, you will either need to add more memory or
> limit the modules that are loaded.
> For example, when I disable autoloading, and only load a few modules needed
> for a basic system only 153M is needed:
>   # asterisk -rx 'module show'
>   Module                         Description                              Use Count 
>   pbx_config.so                  Text Extension Configuration             0         
>   res_timing_dahdi.so            DAHDI Timing Interface                   0         
>   chan_dahdi.so                  DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI             0         
>   chan_sip.so                    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0         
>   app_dial.so                    Dialing Application                      0         
>   app_voicemail.so               Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)         0         
>   app_originate.so               Originate call                           0         
>   app_meetme.so                  MeetMe conference bridge                 0         
>   codec_ulaw.so                  mu-Law Coder/Decoder                     0         
>   format_sln.so                  Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)    0         
>   format_sln16.so                Raw Signed Linear 16KHz Audio support (S 0         
>   format_wav.so                  Microsoft WAV/WAV16 format (8kHz/16kHz S 0         
>   format_pcm.so                  Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz (PCM,PCMA,AU), G. 0         
>   codec_alaw.so                  A-law Coder/Decoder                      0         
>   func_callerid.so               Party ID related dialplan functions (Cal 0         
>   func_version.so                Get Asterisk Version/Build Info          0         
>   16 modules loaded
>   # cat /proc/`pidof asterisk`/status | grep VmLck
>   VmLck:    152972 kB

Shaun,  would it be possible to lock specific modules in RAM vs. the
who;e Asterisk application?


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