[asterisk-users] Upgrade from version 1.6.24 to 1.8.12 - Retransmission timeout error

Administrator TOOTAI admin at tootai.net
Sat Jun 2 12:18:09 CDT 2012

Le 30/05/2012 15:02, Andres a écrit :
>> Considering that you made progress on your initial problem by setting
>> "nat=force_rport" (resulting in connected calls with no audio) and now
>> you're mentioning the use of "externaddr", I'd recommend a very
>> careful reading of the "NAT SUPPORT" section of sip.conf.sample in the
>> configs directory of the Asterisk source tree.  In Asterisk 1.8, there
>> is a new configuration option named "media_address" which may be of
>> particular interest.
> It sounds like a NAT issue to me too.  Why don't you do a quick test 
> and put the Asterisk box on a public IP if you can.  If it works, you 
> will have narrowed down the issue to a NAT problem.   You could have a 
> nat router with a broken SIP ALG.

Back to the story: even out of VM -which means on a public IP- the 
timeout problem till appears. And more odd, if a communication start, 
the call get hanged up because of this timeout :-(

All peers and users are setted with nat=yes, phones connected to 
Asterisk have directmedia=nonat and peers gateways have directmedia=yes.

Remember, we only face this problem with Dellmont services and asterisk 
1.8/10. Previous asterisk versions are working well.

Does someone else use Dellmont services (VoipBuster, SipDiscount, 
Intenetcalls, Voicetrading, ...) with asterisk 1.8 or 10? If yes and 
without problem, would it be possible to share configurations?

Thanks for your help.


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