[asterisk-users] Analoge and E1 ports

Karsten Wemheuer kwem at gmx.de
Mon Jan 23 04:09:52 CST 2012

Hi Bilal,

Am Sonntag, den 22.01.2012, 13:06 -0800 schrieb bilal ghayyad:
> Hi All;
> Is there a telephony card that contains analoge ports and E1s at the same time?

Beronet in Germany produces modular media gateways as cards to plug in a
pc (PCI or PCI express) or as an external box. Each gateway takes up to
2 modules. There are modules available with 1 or 2 E1 or 4 FXS or 4 FXO
(and other interfaces like BRI, GSM too).

So You could get a gateway with e.g. 1xE1 and 4xFXS or 2xE1 and 4FXS.



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