[asterisk-users] Questions on hardware or software-based echo cancellation

Olivier oza_4h07 at yahoo.fr
Thu Jan 12 06:39:10 CST 2012


I'm having some questions related to echo cancellation configuration
on a Digium board enabled systems (B410P, TE420, TE420B, ....) for
cases when a hardware ech canceller is present or not.

I read in TEXXX manual that when setting echocancel=yes in
chan_dahdi.conf on a VPMOCT64-equiped system, 128ms hardware echo
cancellation was enabled.

1. I'm correct thinking that it is then impossible to switch from
hardware to software echo can without removing the VPMOCT64 module
itself ?
2. Does the same also apply to HA8 and its VPMOCT032 module ?
3. Are the only options for OSLEC configuration the  echocancel=128 or
echocancel=256 values in chan_dahdi.conf ?
4. How could be compared user experience with oslec/256, mg2/256,
mg2/1024 on a HA8 without hardware module ? Which would you recommend


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