[asterisk-users] Dynamically toggling ConfBridge recording from conference menu

Josh Freeman cpe.jfreeman at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 11:42:59 CST 2012


I'm using ConfBridge in an application where I need a conference admin
to be able to start and stop recording using a conference menu option.

Currently, I'm doing this by defining ConfBridge menu options


The rec_start and rec_stop extensions simply start/stop MixMonitor on
the channel of the admin who presses 7/9. However, what I'd really like
to do is to be able to execute the equivalent of the CLI "confbridge
record start xxxx" command, so that the recording would be independent
of the participant channel.

I suppose I could do this with a System call, something like
System(asterisk -rx "confbridge record start xxxx") - but is there a
better, less-roundabout way of getting there?


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