[asterisk-users] Mixmonitor command parameter problem on Asterisk 1.8.4

Ikka - Mitra Kreasindo ikka.vertika at mitrakreasindo.com
Wed Sep 14 05:02:12 CDT 2011

Dear all.


I'm using MixMonitor command in my dialplan, and I used the "command"
parameter to execute some thing after recording the file.


I used the command parameter to convert the wav file that created earlier to
MP3 and than deleted the WAV file.


It worked fine with asterisk and 1.6x

But than I have a new asterisk server with asterisk 1.8.4. The command
parameter doesn't work. It's trimed for about 297 character only. The rest
was gone. 


This is part of the log with Asterisk


  -- Executing [08129981925 at speedy:7] MixMonitor("SIP/10001-b7d71bd0",
0001-20110914-163803.mp3" -b 16 -s 9.6 -m m --bitwidth 8 --lowpass 9.6
--resample 8 --lowpass-width 1 && rm -f
0001-20110914-163803.wav"") in new stack


This is part of the log with Asterisk 1.8.4


  -- Executing [08129981925 at speedy:7] MixMonitor("SIP/10001-0000001a",
T-10001-20110914-165248.wav" "/var/spool/asterisk") in new stack



As you can see, with 1.8.4 the command paramater is trimed. 


Is there some changes / bug with MixMonitor in Asterisk 1.8.4 ? Is there a
quick workaround for this problem ? 


Please help





Ikka Vertika

Jakarta -Indonesia

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