[asterisk-users] Good, inexpensive wireless VOIP handsets ?

Daniel Tryba daniel at tryba.nl
Fri Sep 2 11:16:13 CDT 2011

On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 01:11:00PM +0100, David Woodhouse wrote:
> >   http://www.voipsupply.com/siemens-gigaset-a580-ip 
> I bought a Siemens Gigaset C475IP at the beginning of this year.

Strange, I haven't been able to buy this phone for a about 2 years. It
was replaced with the A580.
> RFC2833 dialling is broken, because it has broken handling of RTP
> I won't be buying another Gigaset, and wouldn't recommend them either.

And now I know why. The A580 supports INFO, can't remember is the C475IP

IMHO the Gigasets are good enough for home use (crappy interface, no
G726 support, reasonable voice quality), but an ATA has a better price
point (Linksys PAP2T with 2 cheap handsets). So far all SIP DECT
solutions I tried suck on some level. 


   Daniel Tryba

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