[asterisk-users] MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND

Jerry Geis geisj at pagestation.com
Thu Oct 13 15:48:38 CDT 2011

> Can you post the call file with the pertinent info blacked out?  I'm on
> 1.4.41 so I might be able to assist.
I am attempting to use a local call, start a meetme, bring others in the 
conf, and run a background
agi to play the wav file in the conference. All automated.

Channel: Local/call_out at smvoice-local-public-address-playfile/n
Context: smvoice-dialout
Extension: smvoice_callprogress
Priority: 1
SetVar: MEETME_PLAYFILE=/tmp/jerry.wav
SetVar: MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND=smvoice-conf
SetVar: agi_port=
SetVar: agi_extension=
SetVar: agi_phone_to_dial=
SetVar: agi_pa_meetme=PA0002

My agi is actually a C program. I have been using AGI for years - just 
not in a meetme.


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