[asterisk-users] Is this Asterisk issue of feature

A J Stiles asterisk_list at earthshod.co.uk
Thu May 26 08:30:34 CDT 2011

On Thursday 26 May 2011, virendra bhati wrote:
> Hi ,
> Thanks for reply ..
> What is the meaning of that line which you have mention on the recent
> conversation
> System(path/to/sleep Xs)
> path/to/sleep => is the paths of any php script where sleep function is
> mention or anything else ?
> please illustrate if it is possible ....

It's fairly common to write something like "/path/to/some/file" to indicate 
that you need to specify a full  (absolute)  path, all the way back to the 
root folder; and many people have been using Unix for so long that they 
forget not everybody knows this.

System() is an Asterisk dialplan command which executes a program; it expects 
the full path to the program it is going to execute.  "sleep" is a standard 
Unix command  (i.e., you could type it at the shell prompt if you wanted)  
which just does nothing for so many seconds.  You can find the path to 
the "sleep" command on your system by typing

$ which sleep

Then whatever output this gives you is what you need to use in place 
of "/path/to/sleep".


Answers come *after* questions.

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