[asterisk-users] How to debug MixMonitor misbehaviour

Bruce B bruceb444 at gmail.com
Tue May 3 00:10:03 CDT 2011

Hi everyone,

For some reason MixMonitor doesn't record when it should; It actually shows
the MixMonitor line just fine on the CLI. How can MixMonitor be debugged for
things like privilege issues or filename issues?

**I had this working at one point and then stopped working. Not sure what I

System Info:

; this piece of dialplan is just a calling hook into the [qm-queuedial]
context that actually does the
; outbound dialing - replace as needed - just fill in the same variables.
exten => _XXX.,1,Set(QDIALER_QUEUE=q-${EXTEN:0:3})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(QDIALER_NUMBER=${EXTEN:3})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(QDIALER_AGENT=Agent/${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(QueueName=${QDIALER_QUEUE})
*exten => _XXX.,n,MixMonitor(Q-${QDIALER_QUEUE}-${UNIQUEID}.WAV,b,)*
exten => _XXX.,n,Goto(qm-queuedial,s,1)

CLI output:
-- Called 4904166356574 at queuedial/n
    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:1]
Set("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2", "QDIALER_QUEUE=q-490") in new
    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:2]
Set("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2", "QDIALER_NUMBER=4166356574") in
new stack
    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:3]
Set("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2",
"QDIALER_AGENT=Agent/19053640558") in new stack
    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:4]
Set("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2",
"QDIALER_CHANNEL=ZAP/g0/4166356574") in new stack
    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:5]
Set("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2", "QueueName=q-490") in new stack
*    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:6]
MixMonitor("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2",
"Q-q-490-1304399098.18.WAV|b|") in new stack*
    -- Executing [4904166356574 at queuedial:7]
Goto("Local/4904166356574 at queuedial-d851,2", "qm-queuedial|s|1") in new
    -- Goto (qm-queuedial,s,1)

Trying to locate file:
root at pbx:~ $ updatedb
root at pbx:~ $ locate Q-q-490-1304399098.18.WAV
root at pbx:~ $ ls /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/Q-q*
ls: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/Q-q*: No such file or directory

I also turned on the Debug but I couldn't see anything out of the norm. As
you can see above the CLI output is just fine.

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