[asterisk-users] IAX Call token revisited

Dan Austin Dan_Austin at Phoenix.com
Wed Mar 23 11:24:42 CDT 2011

Kevin wrote:
> On 03/21/2011 06:49 PM, Dan Austin wrote:
>> I just finished a fresh install of at home using the packages
>> Digium hosts.
>> After correcting a number of typo/config'o error that had crept in
>> over the years, I thought I had everything working.
>> My wife just complained that she cannot call her mother (who is using an
>> old IAX hardphone I left for her).
> After turning up the logging level I see-
>> chan_iax2.c: Call rejected, CallToken Support required
>> Which google cays can be fixed with:
>> [general]
>> calltokenoptional=
>> maxcallnumbers=16384
>> or
>> [peer]
>> requirecalltoken=no (or auto)
>> Either set of changes does suppress the error, but the remote device still
>> fails to register. No other errors/warnings are present.

> If there aren't any errors or warnings appearing, then you must not have 
> the logging verbosity set high enough. Ensure that you've used 'core set 
> verbose 10' and 'core set debug 10', and that your 'console' channel in 
> logger.conf has all the logger levels enabled. If you still don't see 
> what you are looking for, use 'iax2 set debug' to enable IAX2-specific 
> debugging for that phone's IP address.

I should have said relevant errors/warnings.  I see info about 
devastate and queues, but little else.  That said I think the 
problem is unrelated to call token and an issue with the NAT
firewall at my mother-in-laws.  The incoming traffic is on a
very high port and not 4569.

I interpret the following log as her phone is not receiving the

Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 14807  DCall: 00000 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
   REFRESH         : 60

Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGAUTH
   Timestamp: 00013ms  SCall: 03287  DCall: 14807 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
   AUTHMETHODS     : 3
   CHALLENGE       : \x34\x36\x37\x38\x33\x35\x33\x33

Rx-Frame Retry[Yes] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 14807  DCall: 00000 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
   REFRESH         : 60

Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 03287  DCall: 14807 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
Tx-Frame Retry[001] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGAUTH
   Timestamp: 00013ms  SCall: 03287  DCall: 14807 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
   AUTHMETHODS     : 3
   CHALLENGE       : \x34\x36\x37\x38\x33\x35\x33\x33

Rx-Frame Retry[Yes] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 14807  DCall: 00000 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
   REFRESH         : 60

Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 03287  DCall: 14807 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
Rx-Frame Retry[Yes] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 14807  DCall: 00000 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
   REFRESH         : 60

Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
   Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 03287  DCall: 14807 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]
Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: LAGRQ
   Timestamp: 10015ms  SCall: 03287  DCall: 14807 [120.xxx.xxx.12:22686]

I've asked my wife to have her mother reboot her router and phone,
but that has not happened yet.


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