[asterisk-users] [1.6/Ubuntu] What packages for * + Dahdi?

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Thu Mar 17 06:01:39 CDT 2011

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:59:59AM +0100, Gilles wrote:
> Hello
> I'd like to install Asterisk and Dahdi on a Ubuntu host using packages
> instead of compiling from the source.
> Are the following packages enough for this?
> ==========
> asterisk - Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
> asterisk-config - Configuration files for Asterisk
> dahdi - utilities for using the DAHDI kernel modules
> dahdi-linux - DAHDI telephony interface - Linux userspace parts
> asterisk-sounds-main - Core Sound files for Asterisk (English)
> asterisk-sounds-extra - Additional sound files for the Asterisk PBX

Also libpri if you want to use any ISDN device. Generally many of the
build dependency of the package asterisk (apt-get build-dep asterisk ,
or what you can see on http://packages.ubuntu.com/src:asterisk) are
those of optional libraries.

> ==========
> BTW, I notice "dahdi-dkms": Does it mean that when I upgrade the
> kernel, I'll also need to upgrade Dahdi?

Yes, basically.

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir

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