[asterisk-users] Multiple Asterisk

Rizwan Hisham rizwanhasham at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 04:20:25 CDT 2011

Here is a better link for DUNDi


skip the part which you know already

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Henrique Fernandes <sf.rique at gmail.com>wrote:

> []'sf.rique
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 8:36 PM, Paul Belanger <pabelanger at digium.com>wrote:
>> On 11-03-15 06:19 PM, Henrique Fernandes wrote:
>>> Have many diferenet locations that have convencional phones that need to
>>> call others locations with convencional phones. And we can not change
>>> this,
>>> I was reading and asterisk cannot handle it self this kind of setup, it
>>> needs an separated serrver to control and routers the calls to this poins
>>> right ?
>>> So can you guys give any help ? I guess asterisk with SER could do the
>>> job ?
>>>  I don't believe SER will help you in the setup (see below).
>>  So my question is how do i make the 2 PABX with asterisk talk to  each
>>> other?  Do i need only 2 asterisk with digium or i need one server with
>>> SER
>>> to maki it happen ? There is another program that does what i am looking
>>> for
>>> ?
>>>  If you require local hardware for each site, then you can install
>> Asterisk at each location.  You can then interconnect them using IAX2 or
>> SIP, additionally you can use DUNDi in your dialplans to share information
>> before the Asterisk boxes.
> Thanks!
> I had heard some thing about DUNDi but now i am reading i guess it is what
> i need!
> I am guessing i can use both IAX2 and SIP i read something about H.323
> So i am gonna see which one is best to conect the Asterisk PBX if i am not
> able to use bot SIP and IAX2
> Thanks!
> here is a link that explains better what DUNDi is!
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/DUNDi
>> --
>> Paul Belanger
>> Digium, Inc. | Software Developer
>> twitter: pabelanger | IRC: pabelanger (Freenode)
>> Check us out at: http://digium.com & http://asterisk.org
>> --
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Best Ragards
Rizwan Qureshi
VoIP/Asterisk Engineer
Axvoice Inc.

V: +92 (0) 3333 6767 26
E: rizwanhasham at gmail.com
W: www.axvoice.com
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