[asterisk-users] Using voice modem as poor man's FXO in Asterisk 1.8

Daniel Tryba daniel at tryba.nl
Wed Mar 2 07:40:05 CST 2011

On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 10:05:35AM +1000, Stuart Longland wrote:
> There's also regulatory requirements: here in Australia since I'm
> plugging into the PSTN, it needs to carry the ACMA's regulatory
> compliance mark.  So buying something from overseas isn't an option.
> It's less of an option for me as I do not possess a credit card, and so
> many companies out there seem to think we're born with them.  Thus
> ideally, I'm looking for where I can source one in my local area.

Take a look at something like a Linksys SPA3102. Some people told me
they managed to set this up as a SIP/PSTN gateway.

   Daniel Tryba

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