[asterisk-users] SMS with Asterisk
Steve Totaro
stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Sun Jun 19 07:49:21 CDT 2011
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 5:13 AM, virendra bhati <virbhati at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I have installed Kannel server into my Linux server. I have asterisk
> installed into the same server. Now I want to connect both opensource
> project. As per the VoIP-info website I read that in asterisk there is an
> option to send SMS. You how to do it. If you have any idea then please help
> me so thatI will make asterisk as per my need.
> -----
> Thanks and regards
> Virendra Bhati
> +91-9172341457
> virbhati at gmail.com
> Software Engineer
Asterisk has some built in features for SMS. You don't need them, you
have already setup Kennal which is light years ahead of Asterisk's
native in SMS apps and features.
The way I do it is to use the System application. It allows you to
run programs and such.
With system, I call a program called Lynx which is just a simple text
web browser.) to open hit a URL that Kannel deciphers and sends the
SMS however you Kannel setup. The URL contains all of the information
needed to send the SMS, so part of the URL is the destination phone
number, part is the body, obviously you need to set your variables in
Asterisk and then use the variables in in the Lynx URL.
I just found this article that should answer most if not all of your
questions. It work just fine for me at many locations.
Steve Totaro
Steve Totaro
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