[asterisk-users] Cisco IP Phones 7942G (skinny): TFTP and required files

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 16 04:59:01 CDT 2011


I am sure that you have experience with Cisco IP Phones. I need to be sure if someone used Cisco 7942G in skinny firmware with Asterisk 1.8 and how it was (if fine or it has a problem).

Are the below the only 3 needed files to be placed in the tftpboot directory:

CTLSEPB8BEBF22AB62.tlv (which is empty file, just we place it with its name).


So, do I have to add any other file?

One more thing: in the above mentioned files, do I have to determine the firmware that the Phone should take it and I have to place this firmware in the tftpboot directory?

Note: I am using tftp-server (as my OS if fedora). Is there any permission need to be given for the files in the /var/lib/tftpboot/? Or no need as the phones are going to download them and not upload new files?

Looking forward for a help PLZ.


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