[asterisk-users] OT: Google Plus

randulo randulo at randulo.com
Sun Jul 10 04:37:35 CDT 2011

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Steve Davies <davies147 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can you suggest a good way of finding/following appropriate
>> VoIP/Asterisk people once on Google+? How do you then group them? Just
>> in a Circle, or some other mechanism?

It's word mouth now, but I think there will be discovery mechanism soon.

>> I've just created a "VoIPy" circle - So I can then invite people I know into the circle by email address, and/or looking at someone else's circles and seing if they have something relevant in their summary tag and adding them into your own circle... (Or using their people search - e.g. for 'randulo' :)

Once you found me, you should have been able to find the post where
I've put names of most of the VoIP USers COnference people. More then
added their own.


>> You can have people in more than one circle. Right now, it's a bit like a media-rich version of twitter with excellent filtering (the circles). I don't have camera/microphone/speakers on my PC, (got real desk SIP phones!) so haven't tried the audio/video chat yet, but the typing "instant messaging" type chat works just fine.

You have to try the Hangou because that's an amazing feature and it's
the one I want to see with SIP interface so we can bridge to a SIP
>> I think Google are still slowly gating people into + though. I did have some invites, but seem to have used them all up now (google didn't tell me how many, the "invite" button just went away after a while!)

>> I'd love to see SIP integration into it, so I can use my existing SIP toys with it.

That would be my wish, too.

In the end, it is a process of finding the right people. You can see
all public posts in the stream. However if there were 20 people say,
from this list in my "Asterisk" Circle talking aout SIP integration,
we'd keep it private, NOT to hide, but to not bore our other friends
in "Basket weaving" Circle.

I encourage anyone who's the + and interested to look me up. I can
easily blast out more names as suggestions.


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