[asterisk-users] Recording SIP history

Lee Archer Lee.Archer at thebigword.com
Tue Jul 5 10:26:46 CDT 2011

Hi all, can someone explain what siphistory is supposed to do as it
appears to record nothing to my log files.  When I sip show history
<callid> it's fine but it's not logging anything.  My logger.conf has
debug => debug and the debug file grows.  Is my understanding correct in
that at the end of the call the entire sip show history <callid> should
be dumped to the debug file?  I am using

;--------------------------- SIP DEBUGGING
sipdebug=yes                 ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from
                                ; the moment the channel loads this
recordhistory=yes              ; Record SIP history by default
                                ; (see sip history / sip no history)
dumphistory=yes                ; Dump SIP history at end of SIP dialogue
                                ; SIP history is output to the DEBUG
logging channel


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