[asterisk-users] SIP Peer Name Variable
Faisal Hanif
faisal at vopium.com
Mon Jul 4 03:07:41 CDT 2011
When you make a call asterisk always create a channel named as below,
So here jon is the peer name. This can help you to identify a peer as long
as A-Leg is active.
-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Eric Wieling
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 6:32 AM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] SIP Peer Name Variable
> -----Original Message-----
> From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com
> [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Dan
> Journo
> Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:42 PM
> To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
> Subject: [asterisk-users] SIP Peer Name Variable
> Hi,
> Is there a variable that contains the Sip Peer name?
> I was using ${CALLERID(num)} for outgoing calls, but when a call is
> being transferred, that variable contains something else.
> I need a variable that is always set to the SIP Peer's name.
pbx*CLI> core show function CHANNEL
-= Info about function 'CHANNEL' =-
Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel.
Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel, additional <item>
may be available from the channel driver; see its documentation for details.
Any <item> requested that is not available on the current channel will
return an empty string.
Standard items (provided by all channel technologies) are:
audioreadformat - R/O format currently being read.
audionativeformat - R/O format used natively for audio.
audiowriteformat - R/O format currently being written.
callgroup - R/W call groups for call pickup.
channeltype - R/O technology used for channel.
checkhangup - R/O Whether the channel is hanging up (1/0)
language - R/W language for sounds played.
musicclass - R/W class (from musiconhold.conf) for hold music.
name - The name of the channel
parkinglot - R/W parkinglot for parking.
rxgain - R/W set rxgain level on channel drivers that support it.
secure_bridge_signaling - Whether or not channels bridged to this
channel require secure signaling
secure_bridge_media - Whether or not channels bridged to this channel
require secure media
state - R/O state for channel
tonezone - R/W zone for indications played
transfercapability - R/W ISDN Transfer Capability, one of:
txgain - R/W set txgain level on channel drivers that support it.
videonativeformat - R/O format used natively for video
trace - R/W whether or not context tracing is enabled, only available
*if CHANNEL_TRACE is defined*.
*chan_sip* provides the following additional options:
peerip - R/O Get the IP address of the peer.
recvip - R/O Get the source IP address of the peer.
from - R/O Get the URI from the From: header.
uri - R/O Get the URI from the Contact: header.
useragent - R/O Get the useragent.
peername - R/O Get the name of the peer.
t38passthrough - R/O '1' if T38 is offered or enabled in this channel,
otherwise '0'
rtpqos - R/O Get QOS information about the RTP stream
This option takes two additional arguments:
Argument 1:
'audio' Get data about the audio stream
'video' Get data about the video stream
'text' Get data about the text stream
Argument 2:
'local_ssrc' Local SSRC (stream ID)
'local_lostpackets' Local lost packets
'local_jitter' Local calculated jitter
'local_maxjitter' Local calculated jitter (maximum)
'local_minjitter' Local calculated jitter (minimum)
'local_normdevjitter'Local calculated jitter (normal
'local_stdevjitter' Local calculated jitter (standard
'local_count' Number of received packets
'remote_ssrc' Remote SSRC (stream ID)
'remote_lostpackets'Remote lost packets
'remote_jitter' Remote reported jitter
'remote_maxjitter' Remote calculated jitter (maximum)
'remote_minjitter' Remote calculated jitter (minimum)
'remote_normdevjitter'Remote calculated jitter (normal
'remote_stdevjitter'Remote calculated jitter (standard
'remote_count' Number of transmitted packets
'rtt' Round trip time
'maxrtt' Round trip time (maximum)
'minrtt' Round trip time (minimum)
'normdevrtt' Round trip time (normal deviation)
'stdevrtt' Round trip time (standard deviation)
'all' All statistics (in a form suited to
logging, but not for parsing)
rtpdest - R/O Get remote RTP destination information.
This option takes one additional argument:
Argument 1:
'audio' Get audio destination
'video' Get video destination
'text' Get text destination
*chan_iax2* provides the following additional options:
peerip - R/O Get the peer's ip address.
peername - R/O Get the peer's username.
*chan_dahdi* provides the following additional options:
dahdi_channel - R/O DAHDI channel related to this channel.
dahdi_span - R/O DAHDI span related to this channel.
dahdi_type - R/O DAHDI channel type, one of:
keypad_digits - R/O PRI Keypad digits that came in with the SETUP
reversecharge - R/O PRI Reverse Charging Indication, one of:
-1 - None
1 - Reverse Charging Requested
no_media_path - R/O PRI Nonzero if the channel has no B channel.
The channel is either on hold or a call waiting call.
[See Also]
Not available
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