[asterisk-users] Asterisk extension not found problem...

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Wed Jan 19 20:02:18 CST 2011

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, abhinav anand wrote:

> I figured out the problem. As you said correctly, pbx_config.so was not 
> getting loaded because in my extensions.conf file one extra file 
> "extensions.local.conf" was included which was actually not present in 
> the directory. I have commented that line and did "module load 
> pbx_config.so" to reload pbx_config.so and now I see both "dialplan 
> reload" and my sip-external extensions correctly.

No. A missing '#include' file will not cause pbx_config.so to fail to 
load. pbx_config.so has to be loaded since IT reads extensions.conf and 
any subsequent included files. Similarly, garbage in extensions.conf does 
not affect the loading of pbx_config.so because it is already loaded.

If pbx_config.so is not being loaded, look at modules.conf for clues -- 
specifically, autoload and noload.

Since you loaded pbx_config.so 'by hand,' it will 'go away' the next time 
Asterisk is restarted.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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