[asterisk-users] T.38 Digium Fax Driver Success on Fail

Steve Totaro stotaro at asteriskhelpdesk.com
Sun Jan 16 06:59:44 CST 2011

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 3:42 AM, Elliot Murdock <murdocke at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> The T.38 Digium Fax Driver sometimes responds with a successful
> sending of a fax, when in fact, the fax did not go through.
> 1. Where does this problem lie?
> 2. How to go about fixing it.
> Thanks,
> Elliot

If it isn't working, get a refund.  That is what I had to do.  I
bought three or four licenses and faxing was about 50% - 50%

I payed for it because I though it would be one less thing to worry
about.  Boy was I wrong.

A couple of days later, the complaints started pouring in, all the way
up to the CEO of a billion dollar company.

It made me look really bad.

I gave Digium root access and they still couldn't find anything wrong
and then just gave up and closed the ticket.  Fax show stats had a
whole bunch of statistical numbers that didn't add up.

Lesson learned.  IAXmodem and Hylafax.  Over that I always recommend a
few POTS lines for 911 and faxing, most clients are cool with that
once you explain that there could be a liability issue.

Steve T

Steve T

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